Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Creative writing

I want you to write a story. Each student is allowed to write only one sentence a day. It can be a fairy tale, a horror story, a romantic one... It all depends on you!
The beginning is this:

Once upon a time...


  1. one upon a time the children who lives in a small village...

  2. a small village called Horror where there were a haunted house in the top of a big mountain and one night, this children decided to visit this house.

  3. When the child arrived at the house he decided enter in it and then he looked for someone who live in there.

  4. the house lived a little princess enchanted, only left out at night.

  5. The princess was wearing a white layer.

  6. The princess was in love with a prince...a bad prince!!!!

  7. The prince was a bad person because he was selfish,moddy, mean and rude but the princess felt in love with him because he was very handsome and intelligent

  8. OK, then. So the children are in the haunted house on top of the mountain and the princess, who is in love with the awful prince, is left outside at night. What happens next?

  9. in the house had a lovely butler thought about killing prince to stay with the princess and marry with her

  10. How can a lovely person think about killing anyone, Carlos P.?

  11. The prince is bad and de butler want kill him to protect the princess

  12. Good. Now the children are in the haunted house on top of the mountain and the princess, who is in love with the awful prince, is left outside at night. The lovely butler wants to kill the prince because he is a bad person...

  13. and the princees said to the butler: "You can't kill the prince because I love him"

  14. Suddenly, the butler went to the kitchen to catch a sharp knife which was next to the window.

  15. but suddenly appeared to him a dazzling fairy, he told the butler...

  16. left the knife where it is, I am your fairy godmother, and I will give one wish for always being so loving and good to others...

  17. I would like to be invisible to spy on people without being seen.

  18. The fairy godmother gave him a wish, then the butler spied on the princess and prince, but he saw that he wasn´t the only one who spied....

  19. he saw a little mouse in the castle that spied on the princess and prince...

  20. and the mouse told everything to the butler....

  21. and the butler committed suicide

  22. Or so everyone thought... but in reality the butler did believe the prince and princess they were the guiltys...

  23. Then, the princess started to cry when she realized the prince was died
