Thursday, 12 March 2015

4th E.S.O.: Lottery

Have you ever bought a lottery ticket? What would you do if you won a lot of money? Tell me all about it.


  1. I don't want money. I have enough money now ... i don't need anymore.
    I'm 17 and i have my appartement I leave alone and depending on myself. So, no thanks If it was won the lottery ,I will burn all the money live on the tv,Because I ´ll be famous after that. If it's all about money,I will share it with poor people who need it more than me.
    Maybe I would spend the money in travelling all over the world and I think I can travel now ,i don´t need to win in a lottery .I know traveling and discovering the world can be done withous money,Go in a trip with someone,You love,And loose yourself with him,No hotels no plane, Autostop,and sleeping under the moon Bring a camera and what to eat. It´s a good idea! :)

  2. I have sometimes bought lottery tickets, adove al, Christmas. In this perjod, my whole family buys the some ticket with the intention of being millionaire people.
    However, we have never won the lottery, so I continue with a hope of having a lot of money.
    If I won a lot of money, I would be the happiest person of the world but not only that. Also, I would travel to many countries and I would like to buy a lot of clothes.
    It´s important tos ay that I am a charitable person, If I won a lot of money, I would give some money to por people, and would share many thing with them.
    I think the best action, I could do is to help people.

    By Teacher!
    Love Sara! ;)

  3. Hello Teacher!
    If I won a lot of money, first, I would travel around the world. I would like visiting London, United States or Ireland because in these places I can learn and improve my English. Furthermore, I would pay for a college education for myself. I would like study English philology, so I need to travel to other countries and pay my studies and my journeys.
    I would give some of the money to my family and I would like to participate with a ONG or charity association.
    I'm a person who loves fashion, so If I won the lottery I would buy a lot of clothes. I would buy a Ferrari to, but it isn't necessary.
    I buy a lottery ticket every year in Christmas although I've never won but I think that I don't need it because the important is to be healthy and be happy :)

  4. I have bought lottery tickets many times, especially at Christmas but I have never won the lottery. If I won the lottery, I would buy a mansion, a boat and other valuables. I would donate a small amount of money to NGOs and I would save a lot of money for the future.

    Obviously, I would give some money to my family and friends. Finally, I would like to go abroad and visit countries like France, England and Italy.

  5. Hi Teacher!
    I always buy lottery tickets at Christmas time but I have never won the lottery.I don´t need to win the lottery because I have everything to live properly,but I always buy lottery tickets by tradition.
    Well,I am a solidarity person,so,If I won the lottery,fist,I would give some money to my famliy,especially my parents because they always pay me everything.After that,I would travel around the world and I would visit London,Paris or Roma because these places are very interesting and amazing.
    Finally,I would buy a car,a plane or a mansion,but it isn´t necessary:)

  6. Hello Teacher!
    I sometimes buy lottery tickets at Christmas time but I have never won it. If I won the lottery, I would buy a big house, a ship and other things. I would travel around the world and I would visit the seven wonders of the world.
    I'm a person who likes cars, so If I won the lottery I would buy a Ferrari.
    I am a good person too,so,If I won the lottery,I would give some money to the poor.
    Finally, I would be happy and I would share the money with my family.

  7. I don't usually play the lottery, but I like playing lottery for Christmas.
    Although I do not think I win the lottery ever because it is very difficult but if you ever touch me I would buy a boat, I would do a sport centre and i would buy a good car.

    I would give a part of the money to a solidary group and would help my family.
    I would buy a small house in the beach and I would travel around the world.

  8. Hi teacher
    I don't play the lottery but In Christsmas time I play the lottery but I don't won it.If I won the lottery I would travel around the world by boat I would give a part of the money for a NGO and I would left my country We would go to Italy or France because is near to my original country I would buy a big house to me and my family near the beach

  9. Hi teacher!
    I don't play the lottery but I like playing lottery for Christmas. If I won the lottery I would buy a mansion near the sea, I would travel around the world and I would visit cities, for example, Paris, Italy, New York... because these places are beautiful and amazing. I would buy a ranch with animals. I would give some money to my family and for a ONG. Finally, I would buy a sport car, a boat and a plane for I can travel

  10. I don't play the lottery but sometimes play the lottery in Christmas. If I won the lottery would buy me a plane and would travel around the world with my best friends.
    I would buy many presents for my parents because they pay me all expenses.
    I don't need the money but I could use for a few quirks. I have enough money to live because I live with my parents and they pay my espenses.

  11. Hello teacher!
    I do not play the lottery every week, just play the lottery at Christmas. If I won the lottery I would buy a more spacious home and a farm because I like the field.
    I would buy gifts for friends, family, etc.
    I currently live well but if I won the lottery could live better.

  12. No, I've never bought a lottery ticket because I don't like this kind of games. However, If I won the lottery I'd travel around the world, because I love visiting new places

  13. Hello Teacher!
    Because you have put me 0.25 if I participated in the two comments?
